Intro to Essential Oils Classes...
The KEY to SUCCESSFUL SHARING is to invite people onto an ONLINE 'Intro to Essentials Oils Class' the education is a game changer. It’s not about trying to sell individual bottles of oils! We educate, empower, and allow people to experience what doTERRA has to offer them and they can make an informed decision.
We run classes 5 days per week which YOU can invite people on to find out more. We have team members who are experienced presenters who host the 1hr class, this provides you with a very powerful resource, so all you have to do is get good at inviting people to attend. This is the most effective resource we provide that enables you as a new member who may not have to the time, the confidence or the skills to present a doTERRA class yourself.

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Class Recording
Coming soon!
Here is a recording of a class, should someone be unable to attend a life class you can send them this recording.
We would add, this is a 1hr class, and most people if sent a recording are likely to skip ahead and not watch the entire class which of course will directly impact on your conversion rate. Only rarely would I consider doing this for this very reason.
Here is the link:
Class Presentation Slides: You can send these to prospects after they have attended the intro class so they can look back over them:
We don't sell we educate!
Here is WHY you should get your prospects to attend an online intro to oils class! If you had any doubt whatsoever this tutorial will clear this up.
This tutorial also clarifies what to do and say if someone asks for a price list, or just wants to buy a single oil. Often people who are looking to earn an income with doTERRA imagine they would need to sell the oils... I explain a far better way to do it that makes it easy for them to understand. Every NEW member to doTERRA who wants to develop an income NEEEDS to watch this video. It is Excellent.
Here is the link: